Liz Lidgett Gallery Group Show
minis and large work releasing both in person and online in a group show at Liz Lidgett Gallery.

Paloma & Co Release
Shop online or in-store
Will be released in-store and online, the first two weeks of May depending on their schedule/inventory.

“Leave Your Mark” Series Release
While searching through an antique store, I came across some vintage French letters and postcards that had dates ranging from 1908-1925. I don’t know what they say, but they aren’t my stories anyway, so I decided to add part of my story to them as well. I scattered them across my studio floor for months while I slung paint for releases and collectors, put the ideas from my head onto canvases and while at times, I just sat in silence. There is so much beauty in the process, the struggle and mess of it all—both in art and in life.
Each piece in this collection is a unique snippet of my journey as well as a small window in time to a moment of a stranger from the past’s life.
Blue Hills at Round Top Texas- Well & Wonder Booth
I will have TEN minis available at Blue Hills at Round Top Fair in Carmine , Texas at the Well & Wonder booth.